My FAVOURITE puzzle experience so far!
Quite simply put, I LOVED IT!
After completing The Captain, I felt on top of the world. I never thought I would have been able to complete what looked like to me an impossible puzzle. But I conquered the big blue and was ready for my next challenge, Pantaloon.

We have had what feels like months and months of rain here in Cornwall and I would be lying if I didn't admit it was starting to get to me. I am someone who adores being outside and struggles to spend too much time inside, even on rainy days. At the end of each day I look forward to my walks in the woods or along the coasts. That freedom captures my soul in a way I struggle to articulate. I find that not just my body is stretching and breathing again after a long day in front of the computer screen, but my soul breaths, moves and connects too. This time for me is sacred, but with Pantaloon I found my desire shift a little.

I thought that Pantaloon would have me mystified with the lively design. Each element of the patterns were so similar yet so different at the same time. It was a daunting dichotomy.
I had assumed that it would be as difficult, if not more, difficult than The Captain, but I was wrong. There was no linear approach to this puzzle, it was speaking to me in ways others hadn’t.
I was connecting to the joy of placing piece after piece, the quietness that the puzzle drew to my mind was slightly euphoric. I could finally escape the endless storms that were circling ahead and revel in this popstatic puzzle!

Pantaloon felt like travelling back in time to my childhood. It felt like diving into innocence, colour and fun.
It brought a brightness to my evenings and weekends and I found myself power walking through my evening walks so that I could get back to puzzling. Get back to this bouquet of wonder.
I couldn’t help but smile as I completed it. It was the perfect medley of difficulty and charm. I won’t be framing this puzzle, not because it doesn’t deserve to be framed but because I will be doing this one on repeat for many months to come!