What do Agatha Christie novels and jigsaw puzzles have in common?
Electric Squid
This puzzle was a challenge and not in any way I anticipated. I adored the brain teasers, the mini trials but most of all I loved the 'flows'; that sweet spot where you place each piece without even thinking about it!
I look upon this puzzle quite similar to that of an Agatha Christie novel; you can see all the main characters, you know there is a mystery to solve...you occasionally think you have sussed it out only to find there is a twist, which in hindsight was blindingly obvious!

The border was the main test, a challenge that kept on showing up. Everytime I thought I had cracked it, I would realise that one of two pieces were in the wrong place and that's why I just couldn't match the rest. With fresh eyes the mistake I'd made was clearly apparent though. Once those pieces had been matched - that was it, I was off on another roll and I was making head way! Why is the border such a challenge you ask? It's because the image is mirrored! My advice is to really pay attention to the shape of the fit of the pieces, it really has to be perfect.
That said, the brush strokes lead the way, in a more subtle way than Flamin' but they were still my trusted north star whilst navigating through the deep blues.
Now you might be thinking "yikes! That's way too much for me!" but honestly it's not. As long as you are happy to have your brain teased, to ponder conundrums then you will be rewarded with so much satisfaction when you solve each 'level' of challenge; trust me you will be smiling the whole way.
One interesting observation I have come to reflect on is how much mental space this puzzling quest has granted me. Now don't get me wrong, my coffee table now feels empty if there isn't a puzzle to glance over while the kettle is boiling. But I have found that my phone is in my hand less, that scrolling through articles aimlessly has been reduced dramatically and actually my mental clarity is so much more. I, like many others, love the convenience of smartphones but we all know that they can secretly steal hours of our time for no benefit. Not only do I see the satisfaction of the results when completing these puzzles but I feel healthier too. I find myself quieting my mind, as if some sort of meditation and honestly it has been transformative.
So if you are looking to up your game a little, like I was after Flamin’ had given me some puzzle confidence, but not one which will have you pulling your hair out or reaching for the box for reassurance then do try out Electric Squid. I found myself captivated by this puzzle.
Now onto The Captain to truly test my new found skills!